エクスポートステータス:Statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers show that First half of 2024,China's total export volume for new energy vehicles reached 600,000 units .China's export volume of new energy vehicles increased significantly with destinations covering regions such as Europe, Southeast Asia, Middle East and South America. Among them, BYD emerged as a major winner; its electric models achieved remarkable results within European markets leading sales across several countries.
ポリシーサポート: To further promote exports for new energy vehicles, Chinese government introduced various policies focusing on:
税制上の優遇措置アイブs: Providing preferential tax policies including export tax rebates and partial VAT reduction for enterprises exporting new energy vehicles.
経済的支援: Encouraging banks and financial institutions to offer low-interest loans and financing support aimed at reducing financial pressure on enterprises involved with exporting new energy vehicles.
技術基準:Strengthening alignment with international standards while promoting certification processes enabling smoother entry into foreign markets.
市場へのアクセス:Engaging bilateral/multilateral consultations with governments worldwide aiming at reducing trade barriers thus creating more favorable conditions for Chinese-made New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) entering overseas markets.
研究開発補助金:Offering financial subsidies supporting technology research & development efforts undertaken by NEV manufacturers aimed at developing competitive models/technologies enhancing product competitiveness within international markets.
エピローグ:The process towards internationalization for China’s NEVs is accelerating through government policy support coupled with independent enterprise innovation which will further elevate their standing within international markets contributing towards green travel & sustainable development globally.
結論として、Carkiss Automobileは、国際的なパートナーや利害関係者との関係を強化し、グローバルなフットプリントを拡大することを使命としており、品質、顧客満足度、継続的な改善に焦点を当てることで、自動車のカスタマイズの世界を席巻し、世界中のクライアントに比類のない体験を提供する準備ができています。